The Alox Cadet is a 84mm knife made by Victorinox. It has a mainblade, nailfile, cap lifter, can opener and keyring. It’s a nice little knife for every day carry. But I wanted to make it even more usefull and suitable for outdoor activities. Therefore I added a wood saw and a steel striker to it. Now it’s a traditional flint and steel striker knife you can use to start a fire.
The steel striker is made by Mr. Fischlin. He also made the steel strikers for the 93mm Alox soldiers which were produced by Victorinox in 1996 – 2002.
I did two pieces. One with standard silver scales and one with black scales.
Cadet plus in silver and black with striker steel
Cadet with fire striker, flint and tinder fungus as starter material
Fire striker steel with a fish stamp
Cadet with fire striker, flint and tinder fungus as starter material