Electrician’s Mate

This brandnew Victorinox Alox knife is a new model with a blade combination, which was never produced before. I call it Electrician’s Mate. It’s basically a First Mate with electrician’s blade instead of the pruning blade or if you like, it’s an Electrician plus with marlinspike instead of the awl.
Electricians Mate orange and blue
The knife was produced in two colors. Blue and orange.
Electricians Mate blue-orange back
The blue shade of the frontscale is pretty like the standard blue shade used for some other Alox models, while the blue color of the backside scale is a bit darker. The difference of the shades is not big, but you can see it.
Electricians Mate blue colors
The blue knife fits into the blue marlinspike serie. The orange one fits into the yellow/orange serie of Electrician models with the black arrow on the back.
Blue Marlinspike serieOrange Electrician serie
This special run includes 50 pieces in blue and 50 pieces in orange and is made by Victorinox in January 2013. Both knives have a serial number engraved. The blue one on the mainblade and the orange one on the Electrician’s blade, exactly like the other knives from the two mentioned series.
Electricians Mate blue Logo
Electricians Mate orange Logo


Swiss shArK 108mm

The Swiss shark is a unique model. It’s blade combination was never produced before or after.
Swiss Shark
It has a spear point blade and a serrated gutting blade and a corkscrew on the back.
Swiss Shark back open
The handel carries the red Nylon scales with a Swiss cross like most other members of the 108mm Safari serie.
Swiss Shark front
This special run of only 50 pieces was made by Victorinox in February 2011.
Swiss Shark tang
Why Swiss shark?
The teeth of the gutting blade reminds of shark teeth. The etching on the mainblade Swiss shArK contains the abbreviation SAK for Swiss Army Knife.
Swiss Shark Etching