Vic Soldat US Armee 2019

Vic Soldat US 19 black

Victorinox produzierte nach 2016 und 2017 auch wieder in 2019 das Soldatenmesser in schwarz für die US-Armee.

Die offizielle Bezeichnung des Messers lautet «Knife Combat Utility».

Mehr zu diesem Messer im Beitrag von 2017. Vic Soldat für US Armee

English translation at the bottom…

After 2016 and 2017, Victorinox produced the soldier knife in black for the US Army again in 2019.
The official name of the knife is “Knife Combat Utility”.
More about this knife in the post from 2017. Vic Soldat für US Armee

Vic Soldat für US Armee

Victorinox kann zum ersten Mal in ihrer Geschichte Messer an die US-Armee liefern.
Die Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) hat das Soldatenmesser von Victorinox in ihre Bestellliste aufgenommen. Dadurch erhält das Messer eine National Stock Number (NSN) wodurch es den US Streitkräften möglich ist das Soldatenmesser zu bestellen und an die Soldaten auszugeben.
Die offizielle Bezeichnung des Messers lautet «Knife Combat Utility».

English translation at the bottom…

Vic Soldat US 2016

Beim US Messer handelt es sich um das normale 111 mm Soldatenmesser wie es die Schweizer Armee verwendet. Allerdings unterscheidet es sich davon in drei Dingen.

1. Alle Metallteile sind schwarz brüniert
2. Die Frontschale trägt nicht das Schweizer Wappen, sondern das Vic Logo
3. Auf der Frontschale steht ein Aufdruck U.S.

Die erste Lieferung besteht aus Messern mit der Jahreszahl 16 auf der Klinge.

Zur Zeit kann das Messer (offiziell) nur in den USA von US-Soldaten bestellt werden.

English translation:

For the first time in its history Victorinox can supply knives to the US Army.
The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) has added Victorinox’s soldier knife to their order list. This gives the knife a National Stock Number (NSN) which allows the US armed forces to order the knife and deliver it to the soldiers.
The official name of the knife is «Knife Combat Utility».

The US version is the normal 111 mm soldier knife used by the Swiss Army. However, it differs in three things.

1. All metal parts are black-coated
2. The front scale shows Vic logo, instead of the Swiss Coat of arms
3. On the front scale is an imprint U.S.

The first delivery consists of knives with the year 16 on the blade.

Currently, the knife (officially) can only be ordered by US soldiers in the US.

Soldier model 1961

Victorinox and Wenger have produced the Soldier model 1961 from 1962 untill 2008. This model is 93mm long and has Alox scales. It was officially issued to the Swiss Army during these years. Victorinox knife is also called “Soldier’s knife”. Wenger’s knife is called “Standard Issue” (SI). Each knife has the year of production stamped on the tang of the backside of the main blade. Untill 1987 each knife carries a WK-stamp on the frontside scale. WK stands for Waffenkontrolle. This is the quality inspection stamp of Swiss Army.
During this long period of time, the knife was changed a few times. Most of the changes concerned the scales.
In this article I describe 5 variants of the model 1961.

Model 1961

Model 1961 started with red Alox scales and was issued between 1962 and 1965.

It has a mainblade, an awl, a cap lifter with screwdriver and wire stripper and a can opener with small screwdriver.

Picture: Soldier model 1961, Elsener 1962
Picture: Soldier model 1961, backside, Elsener 1962
V62_WK-Stempel_DetV62_Det_1r DSCN1200_r
Pictures: Cross with W-K stamp and tang stamp Elsener and Wenger Delemont
The year stamp on the Victorinox knives is deeper and bold than on the Wenger knives.
Pictures: Year stamp on an Elsener 1962 and a Wenger 1963

Model 1961 Variant 1 (1966 – 77)

From 1966 the scale color changed. They were no longer red, but silver. The main reason was that the anodizing was not very wear resistant. Therefore Swiss Army renounced the red color and the scales were anodized in silver.
During a few years (1965 – about 1975) the soldier was still produced with red scales simultaneously with the silver one. Probably because the two companies had red scales on stock and didn’t want to waste the material.

Picture: Soldier model 1961, Variant 1, Wenger 1966
 Wenger tang 66WK-Stempel-W66_Det
Pictures: Tang stamp and Cross with W-K stamp, Wenger 1966

Model 1961 Variant 2 (1972 – 1977)

1972 the W-K stamp was rotated 90° to the right. The reason is unknown.

Picture: W-K stamp from 1972 rotated 90° to the right
1976 (maybe 1975) Victorinox changed the tang stamp from ELSENER SCHWYZ VICTORIA to VICTORINOX SWITZERLAND STAINLESS ROSTFREI
 Vic tang stamp 76
Picture: Victorinox tang stamp since 1976

Model 1961 Variant 3 (1977 – 1987)

Between 1977 and 1987 new scales with a red shield and Swiss cross were used. The W-K stamp was placed at the bottom of the knife above the hollow rivet into a quadratic spot.

Picture: Soldier model 1961, Variant 3, Victorinox 1979
Picture: Swiss arms               Picture: W-K Stamp

Model 1961 Variant 4 (1987 – 1993)

In 1987 Swiss Army decided that it was no longer required to put a W-K stamp on each knife. After Victorinox and Wenger delivered so many years high quality knives, Swiss Army stopped quality inspections. Victorinox and Wenger than produced new scales without the spot for the W-K stamp.

Picture: Soldier model 1961, Variant 4, Victorinox 1991
During some years (1987 – about 1990)  both companies still used their old stock Alox scales with the W-K spot for the soldier knife simultaneously with the new scales. These knives did not longer have the W-K stamp, but a blank spot.
Picture: Soldier model 1961, Variant 4 without W-K stamp, Wenger 1988
Picture: Empty quadratic spot
Over the years Wenger produced knives with a bail attached to the hollow rivet. But these knives were not issued to the Swiss Army, they were produced for the privat market only.
Picture: Bail on a Wenger

Model 1961 Variant 5 (1993 – 2008)

From 1993 Victorinox replaced the hollow rivet with a usual rivet like the other two rivets. The cap lifter became a notch to bend wire and the wire stripper was eliminated.

Picture: Soldier model 1961, Variant 5, Victorinox 2004
Picture: Cap lifter before and after 1993
2008 Victorinox and Wenger produced the last soldiers model 1961.
Picture: Final Production Run, Victorinox 2008
Wenger continued with the production of this model untill 2013, but without year stamp on the tang. It was sold to the privat market only.
 Wenger SI 2011
Picture: Commemorative knife, Wenger 2011
2008 Victorinox started with the production of the new Soldier model 2009. This new Soldier is no longer an Alox 93mm model, but a modern 111mm knife.
Wenger is no longer a supplier for the soldier’s knife to the Swiss Army.